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Reverse Mortgage Allowed Creation of Memories for Family

March 5, 2011

Reverse Mortgage Created Memories for Bob and His FamilyFriday I received a call from the niece of one of my Minnesota reverse mortgage clients telling me that Bob had passed away.  After extending my sympathies I answered her questions and helped her understand the process now that the loan is due.   As I talked with Bob’s niece she shared how loving Bob was and how the FHA  Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) reverse mortgage not only benefited him but also allowed for him to create numerous memories for the family.

During our conversation I shared some memories of my meetings and conversations with Bob and his perspective on how the reverse mortgage had made a difference in his life.  Bob had called me after his trip to Yellowstone with a nephew telling me what a wonderful time he had had and how happy he was to be able to take the trip.  During another conversation he had said he had remodeled his home to be adapted to be wheelchair accessible.  He had also shared how much the reverse mortgage had given him his independence and the ability to remain in his home where he wanted to be with his dog.  I originally shared Bob’s stories in my blog “Reverse Mortgage Helps Minnesota Senior To Be Prepared for Future.”

Apparently Bob’s wife who had proceeded him in death limited Bob from fulfilling his dreams.  It appeared it had to do with not having much money but also her attitude.  With the reverse mortgage he had money like he never had before.  He would tell his niece, “I don’t know how it is that I have money now when I never did before.”  She said he became energetic and interested in life.

The family’s perspective of the  trip to Yellowstone was that it had not only been a wonderful experience for Bob, his young traveling partner had an experience of a lifetime with his uncle and has memories of the trip to treasure.  I was told the expressions on their faces upon their return were smug and they were keeping secrets that will likely never be shared like “little boys” do.

Bob bought gifts for family members like a vacuum cleaner for someone who needed it but didn’t have the funds to purchase it on their own.  What a good feeling it must have been for Bob to be able to help his family.

Reverse Mortgage created memories for familyHe bought tickets to take family members to movies and plays.  I was told that one of those experiences was taking his niece’s family to the play “Sleeping Beauty.”  As they were sitting in their seats the niece looked over and saw the pleasure in Bob’s face as he was watching the expressions on the faces of his family.  What a memory to treasure!  This was only one of several of these types of adventures and memories for Bob and his family.  The pleasure for the family was the kids got to know an uncle and share time with him as they had not been able to previously.

Having less funds available when the loan is due and payable or less of an inheritance is a negative of the reverse mortgage.  But using the funds and creating the memories by spending time together or giving the gifts and seeing the difference it makes while one is still alive can be a treasure which can never be replaced.

As his niece shared the stories I got tears in my eyes. The reverse mortgage had not only changed Bob’s life but the lives of an entire family.  Just before we were hanging up, Bob’s niece said, “Thanks for loving my uncle too.”

Providing security, independence, dignity and control for our seniors is why I believe in reverse mortgages and am in this industry.  It’s a blessing for me to be able to help seniors and their families.  And I do love my clients and hearing their stories.

For the details and facts on reverse mortgages visit our website,

© 2011-2014 Beth Paterson 651-762-9648

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12 Comments leave one →
  1. March 5, 2011 9:47 pm

    Very nice post, Beth. I’ve also heard from seniors who have experienced a profound change in their lives as a dirtect result of their reverse mortgage. It’s nice to hear the details. Thank you.

    • March 5, 2011 10:53 pm

      Thanks, Bob! I have heard story after story from the borrowers how it has changed their life. It was nice to hear from a family member how it not only impacted the borrower but also the rest of his family. It is why we are in this industry.


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